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Weekly Schedule

Please note: The weekly due dates for labs are soft due dates. You should aim to have labs completed by these dates to keep on top of the course and prepare for the relevant quizzes. The hard deadline (without penalty) for Azure Labs 1-4 is Friday, February 23, 2024.

Week 1: January 6-12

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Course IntroPosted links and video lectures/Live demonstrations
Platform OverviewLecture slides
Cloud Computing Concepts
Introduction to Microsoft Azure and Virtual Machines

Week 2: January 13-19

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Introduction to Ubuntu LinuxPosted links and video lectures/Live demonstrations
Introduction to the Command LineLecture slides
Updating Ubuntu
Securing Ubuntu

Week 3: January 20-26

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Understanding the Command LinePosted links and video lectures/Live demonstrationsAzure Lab 1 – Creating Virtual Machines in Azure2%
Navigating the Linux FilesystemLecture slidesQuiz 15%
Working with Files
Using System Utilities

Week 4: January 27 - February 2

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Managing Software PackagesPosted links and video lectures/Live demonstrationsAzure Lab 2 – Administrative Access and Securing Your VMs2%
Working With ServicesLecture slidesQuiz 25%
Intro to Networking
Setting Up Application Firewalls Rules

Week 5: February 3-9

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Advanced NetworkingPosted links and video lectures/Live demonstrationsAzure Lab 3 – Linux and the Command Line Interface2%
Assignment 1 Release and ReviewLecture slidesQuiz 35%

Week 6: February 10-16

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Dedicated lab time and lab help (Work Week)Posted links and video lectures/Live demonstrationsAzure Lab 4 – Setting Up a Multi-VM Application Server Environment4%
Lecture slidesQuiz 45%

Week 7: February 17-23

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Review and Lab HelpAll previous materialMidterm Test (Feb. 21)15%
Midterm Test (Feb. 21)Assignment 1 (Feb. 21)10%
Labs 1-4 (Feb. 21)

Study Week: February 24-28

No classes this week. Campus is open.

The hard deadline for all AWS Labs is Friday, April 19, 2024.

Week 8: March 3-9

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Introduction to Platform-as-a-ServiceAWS Cloud Foundations Introduction
Comparison: IaaS vs PaaSAWS Modules 1-3
Introduction to Amazon Web ServicesAWS Module 4
AWS Cloud Security

Week 9: March 10-16

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
AWS Networking and Content DeliveryAWS Module 5AWS Lab 1 – Introduction to AWS IAM2%
Quiz 55%

Week 10: March 17-23

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
AWS ComputeAWS Module 6AWS Lab 2 – Build your VPC and Launch a Web Server2%
Quiz 65%

Week 11: March 24-30

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
AWS DatabasesAWS Module 8AWS Lab 3 – Introduction to Amazon EC21%
AWS Lab Activity 1: AWS Lambda0.5%
AWS Lab Activity 2: Elastic Beanstalk0.5%
Quiz 75%

Week 12: March 31 - April 6

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
AWS StorageAWS Module 7AWS Lab 5 – Build a Database Server2%
Quiz 85%

Week 13: April 7-13

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Dedicated lab time and lab help (Work Week)All previous materialAWS Lab 4 – Working with EBS2%
Final Test (April 11)Final Test (April 11)10%

Week 14: April 14-17

Topics or SkillReadingAssessment DueWeight
Dedicated lab time and lab help (Work Week)All previous materialAssignment 2 (April 17)10%
All AWS Labs (April 17)