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Host Setup

For SPO600, remote access to Linux systems is provided. Howerver, it is strongly recommended that you have access to a personal x86_64 (64-bit AMD/Intel) or ARM64 Linux system. I recommend running the latest release of Fedora to match the class ARM servers, and because Fedora has a very up-to-date version of the gcc compiler which supports SVE2.

This system could be set up:

  • On your laptop
  • As a virtual machine on your laptop
  • On a computer at your home, ideally with SSH access (so you can connect to your home system from class)
  • On a USB drive or external disk pack

You may want to installing virtual machine/emulation/simulation software on this machine, in which case a fast/large system is desirable.

Recommended system configuration (especially if using emulation):

  • Install a 64-bit Linux operating system (Fedora is recommended)
  • Minimum 2GB RAM
  • Minumum 32GB disk space

Initial software to install:

  • Development tools and libraries (on Fedora: dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries").
  • The qemu-aarch64 emulation tool (on Fedora: dnf install qemu-user).
  • A GUI is optional and may not be required (especially if the system is being accessed remotely).