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Course Policies for OSL640

Course Policies

  • In addition to the student achieving an overall grade of 50% or higher they must achieve the following to pass the course:
  • Achieve an overall grade of 50% or higher on the tutorials.
  • Achieve an overall grade of 50% or higher on the project.

Cheating & Plagiarism

  • Each student should be aware of the College's policy regarding this subject. Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy will be strictly enforced.
  • Cheating will not be tolerated. For a first offense student's are given a grade of zero (0). For a second offense they may be expelled from the School of Information and Communications Technology. Each case is permanently noted on the student's transcript.

What constitutes cheating?

  • Plagiarism.....copying all or part of another person's assignment or test.
  • It does not matter whether the person you copy from is a registered or former student, or a non-student.
  • If you cut and paste something directly from the Internet and do not give appropriate credit.
  • If you copy text from a book and do not give appropriate credit.
  • If you copy entire pages from a book or the Internet and do not submit any original thoughts or work along with it.


  • All email communications with college staff must be made from your MySeneca account. This allows us to be certain of a student's identity.