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Weekly Schedule

Week 1

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Course introductionWeek 1 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 1 - Using Your Matrix Account
Course Resources/Evaluation/PoliciesLinks to Windows SSH clients: (Access Matrix from home): SSH/SFTP | Putty | Bitvise SSH Client | MovaXtermTutorial 1 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
Unix/Linux Background
Open source philosophy
Linux GUI and the terminal
The Matrix server
Accessing your Matrix Account
Using your Matrix Account

Week 2

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Unix file systemWeek 2 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 2: Unix / Linux File Management
File types and file namingReference Sheet: Nano Reference Sheet (PDF)Tutorial 2 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
Basic file system commands: (pwd,cd,tree,ls,mkdir,rmdir,mv,cp,rm, man)Reference Sheet: Vi Reference Sheet (PDF)
Text editing
Common file utilities: (cat,more,less,touch,file,find)

Week 3

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Absolute and relative pathnamesWeek 3 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 3: Advanced File Management and Quoting Special Characters
File name expansionTutorial 3 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
Shell basics
Command execution in detail
Command History
Recalling and editing previous commands

Week 4

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Data Representation: (Binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems)Week 4 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 4: Data Representation, Numbering Conversion, and File Permissions
Number conversionsTutorial 4 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
Unix file permissionsQuiz 1 (6.6%)

Week 5

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
stdin, stdout, stderrWeek 5 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 5: Redirection
Simple filter commands: (head,tail,cut,sort,tr,wc)Tutorial 5 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
grep utility Redirection and piping
/dev/null file

Week 6

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
scp and sftp utilitiesWeek 6 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 6 - File Transfer and Sending Email Messages
Sending email from command lineTutorial 6 (Due Friday, July 5 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)

Week 7

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Linux Installation MethodsWeek 7 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 7 - Installing Linux, Live Linux, and Virtualization
Linux Installation ConsiderationsTutorial 7 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
VirtualizationQuiz 2 (6.6%)
System Administration Commands: (su,sudo,visudo,ping,dnf)Project

Study Week

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
No scheduled classes

Week 8

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Filesystem linksWeek 8 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 8: Linking Files, Managing Process, Aliases, and Command History
Hard and symbolic linksTutorial 8 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
Process managementTest 1 (15%)
Command History

Week 9

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Regular expressions basics:Week 9 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 9: Regular Expressions
- Literal matchingTutorial 9 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
- Character classes
- . wildcard
- * repetition symbol
- Anchoring

Week 10

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Introduction to Shell Scripting:Week 10 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 10: Shell Scripting - Part 1
- Shell VariablesTutorial 10 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
- echo and read commands
- Positional Parameters
- Command Substitution / Math Operations
- test statements
- if / elif-else statements
- for loop statements

Week 11

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Text Manipulation:Week 11 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 11: Sed and Awk Utilities
- Using the sed UtilityTutorial 11 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
- Using the awk Utility

Week 12

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Additional Shell Scripting:Week 12 Lecture Slides: WebTutorial 12: Shell Scripting - Part 2
- if - elif - else statementTutorial 12 (Due Friday, August 16 @ 11:59 PM) (2.5%)
- for loop revisited
- while loop statement
- Error-Checking with Loops
- exit and break Statements
- export Command
- Start-up Files
- Further Study

Week 13

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
Presentation (20%)

Week 14

Learning Objectives and TasksReferencesEvaluation
PresentationsPresentation (20%)
Report Due (15%)